copyright 2010
I think I can hear it over the roar of today. It rolls in like a wave upon the shore. I think I can feel it rushing over my feet, pushing against my shins and rising to my knees.
I think I can see it, vaguely making out its form in the moonlight, the dance of light upon its moving surface as it rises higher. It is warm and pushes me back but I wriggle my heels down to purchase more secure footing.
My breath catches as it rises higher still and for a moment I am caught in a tug of war of exhilaration and fear - spasms passing from my abdomen to my limbs before dissipating. My breathing slows and my nostrils are filled with the sweet aroma of peace.
I discover that I can allow myself this moment. I can allow myself to feel a sense of value in this world and that I am not defined by what you, or you, or even you think of me as we stumble across this planet.
For we are all stumbling.....
And so the wave rises, and I dare to enjoy it, and I am not defined by what you think, or who you are, or by what you are not.
For you are not all things.
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